Useful Contact Numbers

BEAT eating disorders  0808 801 0677 
Beehive  childcare 01603 259193 
Breaking Barriers  support for children & young people with a close family member in prison  01473 724517 
CADS  advice service for any safeguarding concerns regarding a child or their family  0344 800 8020 
CAFCASS  family court advice 0300 456 4000 
Citizen’s Advice  advice on money, debt, housing, family, health etc.  0344 411 1444 
Domestic Violence Helpline  support & advice around domestic violence  0808 20000 247 
Eating Matters  eating disorders & counselling (11+)   01603 767062 
Just One Norfolk support & advice around children’s health, development and wellbeing   0300 300 0123 
Leeway domestic violence support  0300 561 0077  
MAP drop-in centre & counselling for young people (11-25)  0800 0744454 
Nelson’s Journey bereavement 01603 664322  
Norfolk Community Law Service  legal advice, debt advice etc. 01603 496623 
Relate  marriage guidance  01603 664322 
Samaritans emotional support 116 123 

Interim Executive Headteacher - Catherine Wright
Chair of Governors - Karen Gardner

Colman Infant School
Colman Road, Norwich NR4 7AW

Colman Junior School
South Park Avenue, Norwich NR4 7AU